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Three French Bullgod Puppies

Does your fur-baby spend too much time home alone?

Are you feeling guilty for leaving your fur baby home alone for long hours throughout the day. Are they getting the exercise, play-time and most importantly, the attention they need?


If you want to improve your pet's well-being than look no further!

Our friendly staff at Luxpet Broadbeach are here to provide a fun and stimulating environment for them to play around and have fun socialising with other furry friends.



Doggy Daycare

Our clean and modern space provides a cage-free doggy daycare environment that promotes a fun and stimulating space for your dog to socialise with other dogs and have a great time doing what canines do best. We provide live attendants supervising our doggy guests at all time and offer gourmet treats and lunch can be provided if requested.


Cat Daycare

For our feline guests, we proved a cozy space where they can relax before or after their grooming session. We know that our furry friends prefer their own space, so each cat boarding room is a separate place and if you have two furry friends staying with us, we can place them together or separately at your request.

Daycare Packages
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